exhibit work 4.41   His work was widely exhibited.
  exhibit sign 3.23   She exhibited few signs of pain.
  exhibit behavior 2.83   At a nearby village, horses also exhibit strange behavior.
  exhibit painting 2.24   He wanted to exhibit paintings by Hitler.
  exhibit symptom 2.24   But many other leaded children exhibit few symptoms.
  exhibit works 1.38   A gallery is exhibiting his works.
  exhibit collection 0.86   They will be exhibiting a collection of paintings.
  exhibit art 0.72   Falkland artist exhibits war art in Buenos Aires.
  exhibit sculpture 0.72   Her sculptures were exhibited in England.
  exhibit characteristic 0.66   These are learned from others in the group who already exhibit these characteristics.
  exhibit product 0.59   Iran recently exhibited products at trade fairs in both Kenya and South Africa.
  exhibit interest 0.53   He first exhibited an interest in music when he was very young.
  exhibit ability 0.46   Part of the yield curve has already exhibited its ability to invert.
  exhibit patience 0.46   Those who exhibit patience are the ones who give him trouble.
  exhibit pattern 0.46   Both chimpanzees and hamadryas baboons exhibit this pattern.
  exhibit quality 0.46   That teen-agers such as Brian and Pat exhibit those qualities may not be big news.
  exhibit restraint 0.46   But you can exhale, exhibit restraint, and set an example for America.
  exhibit ware 0.46   More than a dozen Australian defense companies are exhibiting their wares at the show.
  exhibit car 0.39   The Arizona Historical Society also wants to exhibit the car.
  exhibit problem 0.39   But when Johnston exhibited more problems Tuesday, more testing was advised.
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