exchange be 37.00   Here is one exchange.
  exchange say 8.36   The exchange said it will complete its probe this month.
  exchange take 8.29   A lively exchange took place.
  exchange have 5.13   Does the exchange have a future?
  exchange come 4.48   The exchange of fire comes at a critical time.
  exchange continue 3.75   The exchange continues.
  exchange occur 2.76   Exchanges like that occur often.
  exchange plan 1.91   All other exchanges plan normal hours.
  exchange trade 1.78   The exchange trades not stocks but futures.
  exchange begin 1.71   Afterwards, an exchange of presents began.
  exchange follow 1.65   Several exchanges followed.
  exchange go 1.58   The prisoner exchange is going slowly.
  exchange consider 1.51   The exchange will consider the request Monday.
  exchange become 1.45   But the exchange became controversial.
  exchange make 1.45   THE Dr M-Mr Soros exchange sure made the news.
  exchange open 1.32   Weyer collapsed before the exchange opened.
  exchange erupt 1.25   Heavy exchanges of fire erupted Wednesday in Beit Jalla and Aida.
  exchange ensue 1.18   The following exchange ensued.
  exchange suspend 1.05   The exchange then suspended trading.
  exchange include 0.92   Not every exchange includes the use of a car, Davis said.
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