evolutionary biologist 4.15   The logic of the evolutionary biologists is hard to fault.
  evolutionary process 2.50   ...an evolutionary process.
  evolutionary history 2.30   The rest is evolutionary history.
  evolutionary theory 2.30   Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory.
  evolutionary change 2.24   ...a period of evolutionary change.
  evolutionary psychology 2.04   Can we blame the field of evolutionary psychology for Kevin MacDonald?
  evolutionary biology 1.91   Primary interest is evolutionary biology.
  evolutionary tree 1.65   That means anthropologists may have to rethink the human evolutionary tree.
  evolutionary psychologist 1.45   None of this surprises evolutionary psychologists.
  evolutionary time 1.25   This species, over evolutionary time, has lost its worker caste altogether.
  evolutionary path 1.05   Sounds like an evolutionary path that Hollywood can appreciate.
  evolutionary term 1.05   Bigger, in evolutionary terms, may not be better.
  evolutionary advantage 0.99   Is there an evolutionary advantage?
  evolutionary step 0.92   Barricade is a giant evolutionary step for firefighters, he says.
  evolutionary development 0.59   Ethology has always been profoundly concerned with evolutionary development, with phylogeny.
  evolutionary ladder 0.59   Humans are on the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder.
  evolutionary link 0.59   Fossils show evolutionary link between birds, dinosaurs.
  evolutionary pressure 0.59   But Pinker argues that the mind cannot escape evolutionary pressures.
  evolutionary scale 0.59   Birds are much lower on the evolutionary scale than dogs.
  evolutionary pattern 0.46   This evolutionary pattern has affected how the ownership of information and technology is perceived.
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