espouse view 2.24   Washington espoused this view in public.
  espouse philosophy 0.79   But I also know there have been lawbreakers among those who espouse your philosophies.
  espouse cause 0.66   In theory, Democrats could espouse the cause too.
  espouse violence 0.66   Gingrich did not suggest action against talk show hosts who espouse violence.
  espouse theory 0.59   The new theory has been espoused by many leading physicists.
  espouse idea 0.53   Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., has espoused that idea.
  espouse ideology 0.53   Active for more than three decades, Colombian rebels still espouse Marxist ideology.
  espouse ideal 0.46   They are forging integrated regional markets and espousing higher ideals of governance.
  espouse anti-catholic 0.39   The school has come under fire for opposing interracial dating and espousing anti-Catholic views.
  espouse principle 0.39   A moderate conservative, Bush espouses the principles of limited government.
  espouse belief 0.33   He espouses many beliefs of mine.
  espouse independence 0.33   JKLF espouses independence for whole Kashmir, which is divided between Pakistan and India.
  espouse nationalism 0.33   After that, Koljevic sought solace in the Serbian Orthodox Church, and that led him to espouse Serbian nationalism.
  espouse position 0.33   But suggest she espouses extremist positions in her Senate campaign and she bristles.
  espouse self-reliance 0.33   The BJP espouses economic self-reliance and is against unlimited laissez-faire.
  espouse value 0.33   The people of Holy Trinity espouse similar values in the face of an unpersuaded Catholic hierarchy.
  espouse hegemony 0.26   The party, espousing Hindu hegemony over this ethnically diverse nation, has been shunned by other parties.
  espouse mixture 0.26   The group, often known as the Black Muslims, espoused a mixture of Islamic theology, economic independence, self-help and black separatism.
  espouse more 0.26   Both apparently gained at the expense of the third-place Vuk Draskovic, a former communist and nationalist who now espouses a more moderate, pro-Western line.
  espouse reform 0.26   Even the liberal Democrat who occupies the White House these days espouses welfare reform.
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