erect barricade 10.73   Police barricades were erected.
  erect barrier 7.70   A mental barrier has been erected.
  erect tent 5.66   It took a couple of hours to erect the tent.
  erect roadblock 4.34   Roadblocks were erected in key districts in Kinshasa.
  erect fence 3.49   The fence is being erected at the foot of Gilo.
  erect monument 2.63   A monument was erected on the site.
  erect statue 2.37   The city erected a statue in his honor.
  erect wall 2.17   But our Arab-Muslim allies also helped erect this wall.
  erect building 1.84   A local government building has been erected in front of it.
  erect memorial 1.84   A memorial was erected on the site.
  erect sign 1.71   But it says the area is unsafe and has erected warning signs.
  erect lighthouse 1.58   The dispute has heightened since July when a makeshift lighthouse was erected by Japanese right-wingers.
  erect checkpoint 1.12   No checkpoints will be erected.
  erect structure 1.12   A more permanent shade structure will be erected soon, Boyer said.
  erect obstacle 0.79   From the standpoint of many German companies, it is clearly dangerous to erect new obstacles.
  erect billboard 0.72   Some tense moments as the organisms break containment and erect appealing billboards.
  erect cross 0.72   A large cross will be erected to mark the crucifixion.
  erect marker 0.72   They erected a marker over the grave.
  erect shrine 0.72   They erected a shrine to the saint.
  erect block 0.66   Road blocks were also erected by tobacco producers in the Xanthi and Drama regions of eastern Greece.
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