environmental group 158.33   She belongs to an environmental group.
  environmental protection 58.85   Health and environmental protection committee.
  environmental issue 38.91   --a concern for environmental issues.
  environmental damage 31.07   Another worry is environmental damage.
  environmental impact 31.01   --Environmental impact report.
  environmental law 27.98   Environmental laws have multiplied.
  environmental problem 24.23   Environmental problems are now a central concern.
  environmental regulation 22.19   Environmental regulation is minimal.
  environmental activist 21.26   Environmental activists tend to think so.
  environmental concern 21.13   Environmental concerns could be an issue.
  environmental standard 18.43   The company had let environmental standards slide.
  environmental official 14.81   She also informed federal environmental officials.
  environmental organization 13.03   No gifts to environmental organizations were listed.
  environmental factor 9.74   What environmental factors?
  environmental policy 9.28   Environmental policy is a signal example.
  environmental movement 8.82   What environmental movement?
  environmental degradation 8.49   But environmental degradation is not the only enemy.
  environmental agency 8.03   The environmental agency says .
  environmental disaster 6.98   It is an environmental disaster zone.
  environmental program 6.91   Good environmental program.
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