empty for 5.92   The tank had been empty for one week.
  empty except_for 5.73   It was empty except for the crew.
  empty at 4.41   The house was empty at the time.
  empty in 3.75   We are empty in our hearts.
  empty on 3.03   We came up empty on Shasta.
  empty as 2.63   It was as empty as a broken vow.
  empty by 1.65   The streets are empty by dark.
  empty after 0.99   Streets were empty after dark.
  empty during 0.92   All had theaters that were empty during the summer.
  empty since 0.86   The house has been empty since the coup.
  empty because_of 0.72   The school was empty because of the summer holidays.
  empty without 0.53   Telephone booths stand empty without phones.
  empty before 0.33   B. Stand back and wait for the elevator to empty before entering.
  empty with 0.33   I also came up empty with catalogs I have checked.
  empty from 0.26   It was bought mostly empty from Republic National Bank last year.
  empty inside 0.26   It suited me to look so streamlined and unassailable while I felt flat and empty inside.
  empty into 0.26   At high tide, those tunnels fill with water rich in mineral content and empty into the creek.
  empty out 0.26   It still is pretty empty out here, relative to other parts of the country.
  empty to 0.26   The house seems dark and empty to her, bereft of children, who are the light of the world, she says.
  empty under 0.26   Plastic tables and chairs, shaded by umbrellas, sat empty under coconut palms.
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