elude capture 5.92   Kandang eluded capture.
  elude police 4.67   Davy eluded police.
  elude authority 4.21   Their foreign contact eluded authorities.
  elude arrest 2.44   The others managed to elude arrest.
  elude detection 1.78   But so far the Oort Cloud has eluded detection.
  elude defender 0.99   His right foot touch eluded Cruzeiro defender Rodrigo and gave Atletico the victory.
  elude pursuer 0.92   He eluded his pursuers by escaping into a river.
  elude grasp 0.86   So far, this bit of pastry has eluded her grasp.
  elude law 0.59   Fugitives who eluded the law for decades were captured.
  elude attempt 0.53   He eluded every attempt at capture.
  elude officer 0.53   Reid had also eluded another officer earlier in the day.
  elude reporter 0.53   He sought to elude reporters as he left the building.
  elude researcher 0.53   The cause of the disease has eluded researchers.
  elude scientist 0.53   A cure has eluded scientists for decades.
  elude radar 0.46   The Russian airplane has similar stealth capabilities, enabling it to elude enemy radars.
  elude troop 0.46   The assailants eluded Israeli troops for more than two hours.
  elude captor 0.39   Years later, the couple elude their captors.
  elude control 0.39   But six other hijackers managed to completely elude immigration controls.
  elude medium 0.39   The three compete after practice to see who can elude the media.
  elude tackler 0.39   He does not exactly elude tacklers with grace.
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