element be 49.64   The mental element is uncertain.
  element have 2.24   Every element has a symbol.
  element make 1.78   Elements of finesse make a big difference.
  element include 1.65   The mental element now definitely includes recklessness.
  element come 1.45   But other elements come into play.
  element seem 1.12   The elements seemed very awesome.
  element remain 1.05   All the familiar elements remain.
  element exist 0.86   That element still exists.
  element become 0.59   But the time element became very important.
  element create 0.53   These elements create havoc for offenses.
  element miss 0.53   Those elements are missing now.
  element take 0.53   The styles mesh well, with each element taking melodic and rhythmic cues from the other.
  element involve 0.46   Each element itself involves several aspects.
  element need 0.46   That element may need tightening in future years.
  element turn 0.46   But then the elements turned on Brookshire.
  element add 0.39   Still-life elements add mystery.
  element allow 0.39   Whatever it is, the interactive element allows viewers to use a mouse to navigate their way around as they choose.
  element carry 0.39   No single element can totally carry an otherwise shaky package.
  element find 0.39   A new Kino edition is made from film elements found in Russia.
  element keep 0.39   Certainly, the mystery elements keep you guessing.
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