eerie silence 3.49   Just eerie silence.
  eerie glow 2.30   The flames cast an eerie glow.
  eerie calm 1.84 eerie calm.
  eerie sound 1.38   Play a tape with eerie sounds.
  eerie light 1.05   An eerie light woke her.
  eerie feeling 0.99   I get this eerie feeling that I was there.
  eerie quiet 0.86   An eerie quiet followed.
  eerie sense 0.72   They have an eerie sense that it could be true.
  eerie similarity 0.72   And there are eerie similarities between the novel and the real-life case.
  eerie echo 0.59   It was also a day full of eerie TV echoes.
  eerie moment 0.59   There are authentically eerie moments here.
  eerie resemblance 0.59   The McKay situation bears an eerie resemblance to the John MacLean affair.
  eerie stillness 0.59   An eerie stillness hung like a cloud and even the breeze seemed softer.
  eerie atmosphere 0.53   It was an eerie atmosphere.
  eerie coincidence 0.53   An eerie coincidence comes in the form of defenseman Glen Wesley.
  eerie scene 0.46   As the waters receded, an eerie scene remained.
  eerie darkness 0.39   Up front, flight attendant Robin Fech opened her eyes to an eerie darkness.
  eerie parallel 0.39   There are eerie parallels between the two elections.
  eerie beauty 0.33   For all the trouble it has caused, the ice storm has brought the region some eerie beauty as well.
  eerie experience 0.33   It was an eerie experience.
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