eager company 2.96   Some come after seeing ads by companies eager for workers.
  eager investor 2.83   Eager investors are happy to sign up.
  eager people 2.24   The world is full of people eager to meet you.
  eager buyer 1.97   Many were eager buyers of the shares.
  eager fan 1.97   An eager fan quickly snatched it.
  eager student 1.97   Islamic students eager to join Taliban.
  eager audience 1.71   He speaks to an eager audience.
  eager anticipation 1.51   We waited in eager anticipation.
  eager country 1.38   Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria are among many countries eager to join.
  eager politician 1.18   Exploited by eager politicians or heightened by the media, such fear quickly turns to anger.
  eager man 1.12   Eager Italian men flock to tiny mountain republic for pill.
  eager customer 1.05   Penney knew it would find eager customers in Mexico.
  eager official 1.05   That has not endeared him with local officials eager to promote foreign investment in the region.
  eager woman 0.92   And to listen closely is to hear a young woman eager to take on the world.
  eager crowd 0.86   Eager crowds greet him in every village.
  eager player 0.86   How could it, when performed by such eager players?
  eager consumer 0.79   There were eager consumers out there.
  eager government 0.79   The church already has won concessions from a government eager for a trouble-free trip.
  eager tourist 0.79   Eager tourists are arriving to seek out shabby chic amid the phosphorescence of decay.
  eager public 0.72   An eager public?
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