drama be 22.91   Drama is OK.
  drama begin 4.02   The drama began in September.
  drama unfold 3.82   APTV watched the drama unfold.
  drama have 1.97   Dramas have them.
  drama end 1.65   The drama ended.
  drama come 1.51   The drama came afterward, in public.
  drama continue 1.38   But the corruption drama continued.
  drama take 1.25   But this neat moral drama took a different turn last week.
  drama play_out 1.18   Another drama played out in the Senate Whitewater hearing.
  drama seem 0.92   For him that drama seems to have begun smoothly enough.
  drama go 0.79   However, there was a fear the drama goes too far.
  drama happen 0.66   But what if a life-and-death drama happened to you?
  drama build 0.59   The drama is building.
  drama follow 0.59   Drama followed, however.
  drama remain 0.59   The drama remained.
  drama turn 0.59   The drama turns on a debate.
  drama make 0.53   Personal drama makes good television.
  drama become 0.46   Jane Austen costume dramas became hip.
  drama do 0.46   What drama does that leave?
  drama give 0.46   Most police dramas would have given her a way out.
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