draft be 16.33   My draft is today.
  draft pick 11.92   High draft picks.
  draft have 2.83   Drafts have the same effect.
  draft say 2.11   Various purported drafts have said different things.
  draft call 1.84   The draft calls for a president of the union.
  draft go 1.58   The draft went the way I wanted.
  draft begin 1.51   This draft began with a bang.
  draft come 1.45   Then came the draft.
  draft include 1.45   A late draft included the reference.
  draft contain 1.12   The early draft does not contain the part about a moral.
  draft make 1.12   The other draft makes no such provision.
  draft take 1.12   The entry draft took place in June.
  draft give 0.99   And a top-heavy draft gave some slumping teams hope.
  draft end 0.86   The draft ended.
  draft provide 0.86   The NHL draft provided few surprises.
  draft become 0.79   The draft later became important evidence in the court case.
  draft conclude 0.66   The draft concludes today.
  draft recommend 0.66   A previous draft would have recommended a ban on trade with such groups.
  draft demand 0.59   The draft also demands monthly reports from Boutros-Ghali on the success of political reconciliation.
  draft pass 0.53   The budget draft must pass three readings in parliament before final approval.
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