dot landscape 3.75   Herds dot the landscape.
  dot countryside 1.18   Roadblocks dotted the countryside.
  dot area 1.12   Various temples dot the area.
  dot region 1.05   Sandbag bunkers dot the region.
  dot city 0.99   New Construction dots the city.
  dot neighborhood 0.66   Pictures of the girls dot the neighborhood.
  dot hillside 0.59   Faded letters from propaganda slogans dot hillsides.
  dot island 0.59   Spanish-run hotels now dot the island.
  dot street 0.59   Flickering fire from the Molotov cocktails dotted the street.
  dot horizon 0.53   Sailboats dot the horizon.
  dot road 0.46   New military checkpoints dotted the road.
  dot sky 0.46   Patchy cumulus clouds will dot the sky across interior New England.
  dot town 0.46   Half-completed buildings dot the town.
  dot wall 0.46   Field photographs dot the walls.
  dot roadside 0.39   Dotting the roadside are symbols of the Hezbollah.
  dot skyline 0.39   Cranes dot the skyline.
  dot bay 0.33   Fishing boats that used to dot the bay slowly disappeared.
  dot floor 0.33   Blood dotted the floor.
  dot highway 0.33   These bulls are metal cutouts that have dotted the highways for decades.
  dot land 0.33   Sparse, scrubby, gray-green vegetation dots the land.
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