dominican official 4.48   Dominican officials could not confirm the report.
  dominican government 4.34   The Dominican government asked for the U.S. analysis.
  dominican authority 2.11   Dominican authorities acted on the new law immediately.
  dominican capital 1.71   Santo Domingo, the Dominican capital, was largely unprepared.
  dominican aviation 1.32   But a Dominican aviation official said that Alas turned the passengers over to Birgenair.
  dominican immigrant 1.32   As Hispanics, Dominican immigrants Soto and Ramos have been filling a particular need.
  dominican player 1.25   He met with Dominican players from both teams before the game.
  dominican police 1.18   Botello, also the Dominican police secretary, denied the charges.
  dominican law 1.05   The U.S. police would be subject to Dominican law, he added.
  dominican president 0.92   Dominican president prepares for summit, meets opposition leader in U.S.
  dominican airline 0.86   The Turkish-owned plane was chartered by a Dominican airline.
  dominican flag 0.86   Some waved Dominican flags.
  dominican family 0.79   Pena Gomez was adopted by a Dominican family.
  dominican border 0.72   The men were then taken to a jail in the Dominican border town of Elias Pina, it said.
  dominican community 0.72   Is he feeling pressure to represent the Dominican community?
  dominican winter 0.72   Rudy Pemberton, who is tearing up the Dominican winter league, is another possibility.
  dominican military 0.66   Pilots from the U.S. Coast Guard and Dominican military flew overhead to direct searchers in rubber dinghies.
  dominican nun 0.66   Monday was a whirlwind day for Sister Jean Marshall, a Dominican nun from the Bronx.
  dominican citizen 0.59   Sixty-nine passengers were Dominican citizens.
  dominican leader 0.59   The Dominican leader made no comment after the meeting.
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