diversify portfolio 5.86   Diversify your portfolio.
  diversify economy 5.07   We need to diversify the economy.
  diversify holding 3.62   Another strategy is to diversify your holdings.
  diversify source 2.90   - We must diversify our sources of oil imports.
  diversify investment 1.97   They want to diversify their investment.
  diversify business 1.78   Whitbread has been trying to diversify its business away from brewing.
  diversify company 0.86   McGrath denied the company is too diversified.
  diversify operation 0.86   The spun pile factory is part of its plans to diversify its operations.
  diversify product 0.79   As future food products become diversified, so will the means for infection.
  diversify activity 0.66   Veba has diversified activities in trade, telecoms, chemicals and petroleum products.
  diversify fund 0.53   Are my funds well diversified?
  diversify offering 0.53   Turk also diversified his offerings.
  diversify risk 0.53   So the monks open a theme park by way of diversifying their risk.
  diversify export 0.39   Crude oil is the mainstay of the Saudi economy, but the kingdom is trying to diversify exports.
  diversify interest 0.39   He also diversified his interests.
  diversify market 0.39   These firms have been given a tough lesson in the need to diversify their markets.
  diversify offense 0.33   I think their offense is diversified.
  diversify production 0.33   Aracruz also plans to diversify its production in a bid to reduce its dependence on pulp price fluctuations.
  diversify rank 0.33   Even more importantly, said Lawrence-Lightfoot, Xerox aggressively diversified its ranks.
  diversify revenue 0.33   Britannica is attempting to diversify its revenue, Panelas said.
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