distorted view 1.91   Fontes has a distorted view of history.
  distorted picture 1.65   The media coverage left many people with a distorted picture.
  distorted image 1.05   The candles fluttered light on to the silver, which threw off distorted images of the faces round the table.
  distorted sense 0.53   When the money starts rolling in, players develop a distorted sense of reality.
  distorted guitar 0.39   They manage to fit distorted guitars and piano in the same song.
  distorted perception 0.39   Bob has created a distorted perception of reality.
  distorted information 0.33   Misinformation and distorted information have come to us about career public servants.
  distorted version 0.33   Many Muslims in America, he said, have learned a distorted version of Islam.
  distorted figure 0.26   Big Picasso exhibit shuns distorted figures.
  distorted way 0.26   It means a lamentably distorted way of life that remains alien here.
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