distinctive feature 4.67   Each offers distinctive features.
  distinctive style 4.48   Distinctive style.
  distinctive voice 3.36   A distinctive voice.
  distinctive flavor 3.29   Corn syrup has a distinctive flavor.
  distinctive sound 2.76   Cake is just refining an already distinctive sound.
  distinctive pattern 2.50   His works have a distinctive swirling pattern.
  distinctive character 1.71   But on closer study, each has a distinctive character.
  distinctive taste 1.65   All have a distinctive nutty taste.
  distinctive look 1.51   He also gave a distinctive look to gas stations across the continent.
  distinctive characteristic 1.45   Exploring their distinctive characteristics can add a new dimension to cooking.
  distinctive identity 0.99   Each will retain its distinctive identity within WPP.
  distinctive way 0.99   It seems so, in distinctive ways.
  distinctive shape 0.92   Each variety is molded into distinctive shapes.
  distinctive design 0.86   He did, however, want to put a distinctive design stamp on the hotel.
  distinctive mark 0.86   Still, some celebrities left their distinctive mark.
  distinctive accent 0.79   Only this year there is a distinctive Swedish accent.
  distinctive flavour 0.79   These biscuits have a very distinctive flavour.
  distinctive personality 0.79   But the New has the most distinctive personality.
  distinctive culture 0.72   They form part of a distinctive culture.
  distinctive touch 0.72   A round abounds with distinctive Asian touches.
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