disk space 3.36   Disk space.
  disk problem 1.32   Disk problem?
  disk quota 1.12   You should check that you have not exceeded your disk quota.
  disk player 1.05   Konka will also sell digital video disk players and two television set-top boxes.
  disk system 0.72   Iomega Corp., based in Roy, Utah, makes computer disk storage systems.
  disk format 0.53   Only the disk format, not the rest of the machine, is IBM-standard.
  disk program 0.53   Run the defragment and scan disk programs.
  disk storage 0.53   The other kind is disk storage, commonly on a hard drive or floppy disk.
  disk capacity 0.33   A non-elastic limitation is the available disk storage capacity.
  disk injury 0.33   He suffered a spinal disk injury but has fully recovered.
  disk utility 0.33   A disk defragmentation utility can handle that.
  disk compression 0.26   Is disk compression safe?
  disk disease 0.26   And if you have the mutation, they say your risk of disk disease triples.
  disk fragment 0.26   Doctors believe there is a disk fragment floating around in his back.
  disk medium 0.26   That will offer a significant cost savings in the next two generations of disk media.
  disk platter 0.26   A head never actually touches the disk platter as it reads the data, but hovers over it.
  disk software 0.26   I rely on disk compression software.
  disk surface 0.26   The circuit boards were completely melted but it looked like portions of the disk surface were salvageable.
  disk surgery 0.26   He had disk surgery in October.
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