disavow violence 2.44   Rugova has disavowed violence.
  disavow connection 1.45   His campaign has disavowed any connection with the paper.
  disavow knowledge 1.25   Kim disavowed any knowledge of the affair.
  disavow responsibility 0.86   Cain disavowed responsibility.
  disavow remark 0.59   Colombians were outraged and the US State Department disavowed the remarks.
  disavow statement 0.59   Akins disavows that statement.
  disavow action 0.39   Reed has disavowed those actions.
  disavow effort 0.39   When the memo came to light last April, Lautenberg disavowed the effort.
  disavow confession 0.33   He later disavowed the confession.
  disavow interest 0.33   But despite his star power in the Republican Party, he disavowed interest in partisan politics and in the job.
  disavow link 0.33   The rebel group has disavowed any links with the attackers.
  disavow intention 0.26   It also disavowed any intention of threatening Pakistan.
  disavow use 0.26   The cult has denied involvement in any of the gassings and disavowed the use of violence.
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