disastrous consequence 7.70   Wi with of course one disastrous consequence.
  disastrous result 5.73   But it led to disastrous results.
  disastrous start 4.08   The Kiwi batsman had a disastrous start.
  disastrous effect 3.03   This could have disastrous effects, she said.
  disastrous season 2.37   That series had one disastrous season left.
  disastrous flood 1.58   Proponents say the dam is needed to protect against disastrous floods.
  disastrous loss 1.38   That potentially disastrous loss to USC two weeks ago?
  disastrous performance 1.38   This was not a firing over a disastrous performance.
  disastrous year 1.38   Albania has had a disastrous year.
  disastrous war 1.25   He helped oversee the disastrous war in breakaway Chechnya and took a hard line.
  disastrous day 1.18   Then came that disastrous day at Pomona.
  disastrous campaign 0.99   Last week, Labor suffered a disastrous presidential campaign.
  disastrous weather 0.99   North Korea is suffering widespread food shortages after five years of flood and other disastrous weather.
  disastrous situation 0.92   If we do nothing, we will end up face-to-face with a disastrous situation.
  disastrous harvest 0.86   The North has been plagued by a disastrous harvest.
  disastrous week 0.86   It capped a disastrous week for Milan.
  disastrous policy 0.79   Oil producers seemed unable to change the disastrous policies that led to the price spiral.
  disastrous experience 0.72   Sorenstam simply regrouped from that disastrous experience at the U.S. Open.
  disastrous defeat 0.66   But it still faces a long road to rebuild from its disastrous defeat a year ago.
  disastrous impact 0.66   His leg injury had a disastrous impact on his career as a footballer.
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