disable device 0.92   Ms. Smith has not yet found anyone to disable the device for her.
  disable people 0.72   ...disabled people who cannot physically use a telephone.
  disable system 0.59   But that system was disabled.
  disable bomb 0.39   Both bombs were disabled.
  disable camera 0.39   Were cameras disabled?
  disable car 0.39   The two Jordan cars were also disabled.
  disable enzyme 0.39   He knew that patients with homocystinuria had genetic defects that disabled these enzymes.
  disable vehicle 0.39   It does not disable your vehicle.
  disable feature 0.33   Fortunately, you can always disable this feature.
  disable part 0.33   A mild electric current applied between two electrodes temporarily disables that part of the brain.
  disable arm 0.26   Yet his right arm is disabled from a World War II injury.
  disable child 0.26   The child is disabled for life.
  disable computer 0.26   Computer glitches could knock out school crossing lights, shut down school heaters and disable classroom computers.
  disable equipment 0.26   At worst, peacekeepers could be helicoptered out after they disabled their equipment.
  disable function 0.26   One thing I would change is the setting that disables the functions of the right mouse button.
  disable keyboard 0.26   Every mouse click produces an annoying sound, and the keyboard is largely disabled.
  disable mechanism 0.26   But that mechanism was disabled shortly after the attack was detected last Wednesday.
  disable plane 0.26   Soon after, on a mission over France, his plane was disabled by enemy fire.
  disable program 0.26   But while the computer manufacturers can choose to disable the program, the code itself remains on the computer.
  disable rocket 0.26   He said ISAF experts disabled the rockets, three of which where fully armed and ready to launch.
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