direct by 84.40   Directed by Beyer.
  direct against 18.70   Still less is it directed against Islam.
  direct toward 13.50   Directed toward the Macintosh, he balks.
  direct from 6.39   A transaction direct from the agora.
  direct in 5.60   Bake as directed in recipe.
  direct with 4.02   He directs with a soft touch.
  direct on 3.55   Bake as directed on package.
  direct for 2.76   That includes directing for Showtime.
  direct into 2.44   She pulls him up and directs him into the walk-in shower.
  direct through 1.45   Through NATO it directs European affairs.
  direct above 0.92   Use as directed above.
  direct as 0.86   Edward Burns directs himself as a cabdriver who meets a woman and marries her on the same day.
  direct across 0.39   One person directed across the circle.
  direct out_of 0.33   Why create a whole new ballgame directed out of Seattle?
  direct after 0.26   Who directs after Philip Noyce, who did both Fords, bowed out?
  direct below 0.26   Bake as directed below.
  direct without 0.26   How could he direct without being able to speak to the actors?
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