dining hall 13.43   Eat in a dining hall.
  dining area 11.45   No dining area.
  dining experience 3.95   Then there was the dining experience.
  dining option 2.17   The dining options more diverse.
  dining companion 1.25   Then, my dining companion arrived.
  dining chair 1.05   Dining chairs are candy-coated colors.
  dining scene 1.05   The dining scene turned dull.
  dining service 1.05   But nowhere were decorations more exuberant than on dining services.
  dining facility 0.99   Today, mess halls are officially called dining facilities.
  dining restaurant 0.79   The South Bend-based company operates casual dining restaurants.
  dining spot 0.79   No hard and fast rules guarantee success for the so-called power dining spots.
  dining choice 0.66   Take the dining choices.
  dining establishment 0.53   Through the years, it has operated as a hotel, tavern or dining establishment.
  dining critic 0.46   Dad, the dining critic, extols its virtues to next generation.
  dining program 0.46   Discount dining programs.
  dining club 0.39   Atlanta was big on private dining clubs in fancy high-rises, but there had never been one quite like this one.
  dining etiquette 0.39   Would Miss Manners approve of your dining etiquette?
  dining place 0.39   A sampling of shops, dining places and other attractions along Carmine Street in Greenwich Village.
  dining pleasure 0.39   To celebrate the occasion, hotels are preparing irresistible meals for your dining pleasure.
  dining habit 0.33   The switch also altered Portuguese dining habits.
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