devalue currency 27.98   Nigeria has just devalued its currency.
  devalue peso 7.31   He declined however to devalue the peso.
  devalue ruble 4.34   Ten minutes later, the government devalued the ruble.
  devalue baht 3.49   That same month, Thailand devalued the baht.
  devalue yuan 2.90   Officials have repeatedly promised not to devalue the yuan.
  devalue real 1.18   Speculators were betting the government would be forced to devalue the real.
  devalue bolivar 0.86   The measure will effectively devalue the bolivar.
  devalue franc 0.79   The franc was devalued again.
  devalue pound 0.72   Egypt has devalued the pound twice in the past two months.
  devalue dong 0.59   Yet devaluing the dong is a two-edged sword.
  devalue life 0.46   In the process, human life is devalued for them.
  devalue land 0.39   His own land is devalued because of the kit fox, he says.
  devalue rupee 0.39   Devaluing the rupee is a distinct possibility, in an effort to reverse a drop in exports.
  devalue dollar 0.33   Rates are being kept high by fears that the Hong Kong dollar will be devalued.
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