deteriorating situation 12.57   Smith detailed the deteriorating situation, a U.N. official said.
  deteriorating condition 6.19   But already there is grumbling about deteriorating conditions.
  deteriorating health 4.48   They were in deteriorating health.
  deteriorating relation 3.62   Deteriorating relations between Washington and Tripoli complicated the dilemma.
  deteriorating security 2.90   Deteriorating security throughout the province is a growing concern.
  deteriorating economy 2.44   When prices rise because of the deteriorating economy, they are blamed.
  deteriorating building 0.79   Vendors in the deteriorating buildings around the market house closed.
  deteriorating weather 0.79   Deteriorating weather is expected overnight and into wednesday.
  deteriorating law 0.72   Opinion polls now show deteriorating law and order to be a prime concern and that most people blame the government.
  deteriorating relationship 0.72   It will be because of his deteriorating relationship with GM Dan Duquette.
  deteriorating environment 0.59   --She fails to act on the deteriorating environment.
  deteriorating labor 0.59   But additional steps may be taken to address the deteriorating labor market, he said.
  deteriorating market 0.59   Signs of a deteriorating housing market failed to lift bond prices from early lows.
  deteriorating business 0.53   Isuzu, which is trying to turn around its deteriorating business, still produces the Bighorn recreational vehicle in Japan.
  deteriorating climate 0.53   Phnom Penh, already jittery over a deteriorating political climate, braced for a security crackdown.
  deteriorating eyesight 0.46   The plaintiff suffered from deteriorating eyesight and became almost blind.
  deteriorating neighborhood 0.46   The Dial family lived in the deteriorating Pipe Shop neighborhood of Bessemer.
  deteriorating service 0.46   There is an unquestionable link between job losses and deteriorating services.
  deteriorating state 0.46   If not for his deteriorating physical state, Blake had an excellent chance to upset Hewitt.
  deteriorating earnings 0.39   The other two reported deteriorating earnings, citing the opposite reasons.
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