desegregation plan 2.44   Desegregation plan unveiled.
  desegregation case 2.24   The Little Rock desegregation case is still in the courts.
  desegregation order 1.78   The Supreme Court is canceling school desegregation orders.
  desegregation effort 0.92   Critics said Ashcroft tried to stymie even voluntary desegregation efforts.
  desegregation lawsuit 0.79   The move was part of a larger desegregation lawsuit.
  desegregation program 0.72   The Kansas City desegregation program is hardly above reproach.
  desegregation remedy 0.39   We previously have approved of intradistrict desegregation remedies involving magnet schools.
  desegregation issue 0.33   It also has been reviewing environmental and desegregation issues.
  desegregation suit 0.33   It also authorized the attorney general to initiate desegregation suits.
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