derivative market 5.40   The derivatives market has supported the new rules.
  derivative business 1.97   On Monday, the bank said it would create an emerging markets derivatives business.
  derivative loss 1.12   Traders blame concern over derivatives losses for the slowdown.
  derivative trader 0.86   The derivatives trader agreed.
  derivative trade 0.79   In effect, it bought insurance by entering into additional derivatives trades.
  derivative contract 0.72   Exchanges also are continuing to expand the range of derivatives contracts they list.
  derivative activity 0.53   The report also criticized several executives for failing to supervise derivatives activity.
  derivative exchange 0.53   Executives at Euronext, which plans to trade the futures on its Matif derivatives exchange, said they are not dismayed.
  derivative unit 0.53   Ermotti headed the global equity derivatives unit.
  derivative deal 0.46   But they did not agree that clients should rely on their brokers for advice about derivatives deals.
  derivative product 0.46   The securities are a Wall Street derivatives product.
  derivative dealer 0.39   Bankers Trust is a leading derivatives dealer.
  derivative investment 0.39   When that happens, the rise may be exacerbated by those derivatives investments.
  derivative debacle 0.33   The derivatives debacle has also played a role in the move to reinstate fees.
  derivative group 0.33   His resignation comes amid a reshuffling of the derivatives group.
  derivative industry 0.33   These sweeping judgments strike many in the derivatives industry as unfair.
  derivative position 0.33   The losses swelled later due to the unwinding of derivatives positions.
  derivative scandal 0.33   But a series of derivatives scandals a few years ago wreaked financial havoc on the bank.
  derivative crisis 0.26   The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking to strengthen ties to foreign regulators, in preparation for the next global derivatives crisis.
  derivative holding 0.26   The SEC aims to give companies a choice of three ways in which they can tell shareholders about their derivatives holdings.
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