demonstration be 39.76   Demonstrations there were huge.
  demonstration take 10.47   Demonstrations take place almost daily.
  demonstration continue 4.08   Yet demonstrations continue.
  demonstration erupt 4.02   Anti-American demonstrations erupted across the Arab world.
  demonstration come 3.62   The demonstration came from out of nowhere.
  demonstration turn 3.49   The demonstration turned out to be a hoax.
  demonstration end 3.23   The demonstration ended peacefully.
  demonstration begin 3.03   Demonstrations began last week.
  demonstration follow 2.90   Boycotts were announced followed by demonstrations.
  demonstration go 1.71   The demonstration later went ahead as planned.
  demonstration occur 1.71   Demonstrations also occurred in seven other cities.
  demonstration break_out 1.58   The military has threatened to shoot protesters if more demonstrations break out.
  demonstration draw 1.12   Meanwhile, anti-US demonstrations draw thousands.
  demonstration have 1.12   The demonstration had two sides to it.
  demonstration lead 1.12   Such demonstrations have led to clashes in the past.
  demonstration break_up 1.05   The demonstration later broke up peacefully.
  demonstration start 0.99   A demonstration started on the Indian side but was quickly contained.
  demonstration appear 0.92   The demonstration appeared largely peaceful.
  demonstration show 0.92   She says the demonstrations have shown how important this is.
  demonstration degenerate 0.86   Wiranto voiced concern that the spreading demonstrations could degenerate into anarchy.
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