demolish home 7.44   Their homes may be demolished.
  demolish house 7.11   The house was demolished.
  demolish building 6.91   The building was demolished.
  demolish wall 0.92   Walls were demolished and windows shattered.
  demolish structure 0.86   It does not give authority to demolish a structure, she said.
  demolish car 0.79   The car was demolished.
  demolish mosque 0.59   The ministers have denied involvement in demolishing the mosque, although they were present.
  demolish barrier 0.53   A UNICEF-sponsored conference aimed at demolishing the barriers that keep African girls from going to school opens Wednesday.
  demolish argument 0.46   He demolished my argument in minutes.
  demolish church 0.39   When they demolished the church, a cave was discovered beneath it.
  demolish hundred 0.39   Winds demolished hundreds of squatter shanties in the capital and blew off entire rooftops of sturdier structures.
  demolish marker 0.39   The markers were demolished by the Philippine military.
  demolish lighthouse 0.33   Chan has said he will lead an amphibious assault on the islands to demolish the lighthouse.
  demolish neighborhood 0.33   Shanty-town neighborhoods were demolished.
  demolish opponent 0.33   In a match in London, Danny is demolishing an opponent and asks the referee to stop the fight.
  demolish part 0.33   Antibiotics attack bacteria by demolishing part of their protective cell wall.
  demolish stadium 0.33   If the stadium is demolished and nothing rebuilt in its place, it will want the money back.
  demolish factory 0.26   The old factory was demolished to make way for a new parking lot.
  demolish high-rise 0.26   Nationwide, aging public housing high-rises are being demolished to make way for townhouses and small complexes.
  demolish office 0.26   The militias are on the way, and I am sure they will do their best to demolish this office.
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