delegate say 24.69   But GOP delegates say they are not worried.
  delegate be 18.56   There were no delegates.
  delegate agree 5.86   Some delegates agreed.
  delegate vote 3.88   The delegates vote Tuesday.
  delegate meet 3.75   Delegates will meet again next week.
  delegate have 3.49   Delegates had one disappointment.
  delegate discuss 3.23   Some of the changes that delegates discussed were legal ones.
  delegate express 2.11   Delegates expressed dismay with the United States.
  delegate approve 1.97   The delegates also approved a resolution opposing women in combat.
  delegate complain 1.97   The delegates complained about the food.
  delegate attend 1.91   NLD delegates attended the Tuesday session.
  delegate take 1.91   It was still not clear whether delegates will take up the issue.
  delegate plan 1.84   The delegates planned to wrap up the talks on Tuesday.
  delegate arrive 1.78   The delegates arrived Saturday.
  delegate refuse 1.71   Two delegates refused to vote.
  delegate leave 1.65   The delegates left Tuesday.
  delegate visit 1.58   He said a Red Cross doctor and delegate would visit the three Tuesday.
  delegate call 1.51   Delegates called on the Boy Scouts to accept gay members and leaders.
  delegate include 1.51   Other delegates included Sudan on the list.
  delegate make 1.51   Delegates make their own choice.
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