deficit be 26.66   Deficits are not new.
  deficit grow 3.23   Its deficit has grown, not fallen.
  deficit widen 3.03   And annual budget deficits have widened.
  deficit narrow 2.83   The trade deficit narrowed slightly.
  deficit continue 2.37   The current account deficit continues to be big.
  deficit shrink 1.97   U.S. trade deficit shrinks slightly.
  deficit mean 1.65   A bigger deficit means a weaker franc.
  deficit balloon 1.51   Those shortfalls caused the federal deficit to balloon in recent years.
  deficit come 1.45   The deficit is coming down.
  deficit have 1.45   For now, the trade deficit has little cost.
  deficit rise 1.38   The trade deficit is rising.
  deficit remain 1.25   Deficits remain way above his target.
  deficit decline 1.18   The U.S.-Japan deficit also declined.
  deficit increase 1.05   A narrower deficit will increase demand for the ringgit.
  deficit reflect 1.05   The widening trade deficit also reflects a long-term problem for the dollar.
  deficit go 0.99   But the deficits are not going away.
  deficit make 0.99   What a difference a smaller deficit makes.
  deficit soar 0.99   Deficits soared.
  deficit begin 0.86   Budget deficits began to follow.
  deficit expand 0.86   The federal budget deficit was expanding, and the dollar was under attack.
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