decry lack 1.05   All decried the lack of salt.
  decry violence 0.72   But many protesters decried the violence.
  decry attack 0.66   They decried the attacks on their scientific integrity.
  decry decision 0.66   Immigrant activists immediately decried the decision as a step backward.
  decry move 0.66   The Congress move was decried by business leaders.
  decry loss 0.53   Some judges decried a loss of privacy.
  decry action 0.46   Both decried the action as simplistic and ill-timed.
  decry fact 0.39   He also decried the fact that their conversations had been videotaped by prison officials.
  decry influence 0.39   He decried the influence of money in politics.
  decry law 0.39   When they drove south to Florida, Bob Cummins decried Jim Crow laws.
  decry plan 0.39   Teachers union officials decried the plan.
  decry proposal 0.39   Silicon Valley firms like Intel Corp. have decried that proposal.
  decry ruling 0.39   Press groups decried the ruling.
  decry change 0.33   The American Civil Liberties Union decried the change.
  decry killing 0.33   Clergy emphasized that Islam decries the killing of the innocent.
  decry system 0.33   She decries a system that encourages single supplements.
  decry use 0.33   They decried use of taxpayer money for the move.
  decry condition 0.26   The Franciscans, who have pledged not to leave the shrine, decried conditions inside the complex.
  decry injustice 0.26   She was too busy running a business and decrying racial injustice.
  decry practice 0.26   Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan decried the practice for the first time.
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