decline in 66.10   And declines in prices this year?
  decline to 35.29   CoreStates declined to comment.
  decline for 26.86   Auto shares declined for the week.
  decline on 23.24   Indian stocks declined on the news.
  decline as 15.47   Almost the same number of stocks declined as rose.
  decline after 9.35   Bonds declined after a weak Treasury debt sale.
  decline amid 9.02   Insurers declined amid falling German bonds.
  decline against 7.57   The dollar declined against the yen.
  decline with 7.31   I decline with thanks.
  decline over 5.73   Lending has declined over the last year.
  decline because_of 5.46   He declined because of past political wounds.
  decline since 5.40   Tension has declined since then.
  decline at 5.13   At first she declined.
  decline from 4.94   Or, they should decline them from the start.
  decline through 4.28   Lott declined through a spokeswoman to comment.
  decline during 4.21   Poverty had declined during his presidency.
  decline by 3.09   Lam declined by telephone to provide any details.
  decline despite 1.45   Corn prices declined despite a smaller-than-expected improvement in crop ratings.
  decline into 1.25   But it declines into crude and stupid implausibilities.
  decline under 1.25   Rapeseed oil and sunflower oil declined under the influence of soya.
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