debunk myth 2.11   This story debunks that myth.
  debunk theory 1.12   His theories are debunked.
  debunk notion 0.72   The article debunks the notion that life exists on Mars.
  debunk idea 0.66   Dr Mahathir also debunked the idea of an Asian century.
  debunk rumor 0.39   He also debunked rumors of Ku Klux Klan activities at the plant.
  debunk report 0.33   Chinese officials later debunked the report by saying Kang had no daughters, and therefore could not have had a son-in-law.
  debunk suggestion 0.33   Sagan himself attempted to debunk suggestions that there were signs of intelligent life on Mars.
  debunk claim 0.26   Both claims were quickly debunked.
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