debate over 190.19   The debate over a tankful of locusts....
  debate on 154.25   All due for debate on Thursday morning.
  debate in 84.00   The novel has provoked fierce debate in the US.
  debate about 80.38   There is no escaping from the debate about the BBC.
  debate with 24.29   Discuss the debates with others.
  debate among 22.65   But there is no debate among the faithful.
  debate between 21.79   ...cut-and-thrust debate between two declared adversaries.
  debate of 12.11   It was the final debate of the race.
  debate within 10.93   Ongoing debate within the administration.
  debate at 9.74   They organized debates at northern kibbutzim.
  debate as 9.15   I view debates as part of the process.
  debate for 7.97   This is not a debate for sports radio.
  debate by 6.45   Debate by invective is back.
  debate to 5.53   Nevertheless, give the debate to Forbes.
  debate before 3.69   As usual, there will be a quarterback debate before then.
  debate from 3.55   Ask anyone who has witnessed debates from the inside.
  debate against 3.16   Duma puts off impeachment debate against Yeltsin.
  debate during 2.37   Shaw moderated four debates during the primaries.
  debate until 1.71   He had planned to stay out of debates until January.
  debate without 1.71   I do not come to this debate without bias.
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