darken sky 1.45   Ominous thunderclouds instantly darkened the skies.
  darken outlook 1.38   Rising rates, however, darkened the outlook.
  darken room 0.92   Darken the room.
  darken mood 0.66   The bad news darkened his mood.
  darken skin 0.59   Darken your skin safely.
  darken prospect 0.53   The economic decline has darkened the prospects for his casinos, Trump said last month.
  darken wood 0.53   The wax darkened the wood in the gaps, disguising them.
  darken color 0.46   Other mutations that lighten or darken skin color occasionally happen.
  darken area 0.26   Overcast skies, unacceptable for launching, darkened the area all morning.
  darken future 0.26   There is nothing to darken their future.
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