daily in 5.99   A Market is held daily in the town square.
  daily for 5.73   Check daily for your latest installment.
  daily on 3.95   Free concerts daily on the Millennium Stage.
  daily with 2.24   Annan said he was in contact daily with the key players.
  daily from 2.04   Most Vietnamese buy fresh food daily from outdoor markets.
  daily to 2.04   Korean Air makes night flights daily to Guam.
  daily as 1.84   Zucker was quoted by the Haaretz daily as saying.
  daily at 1.58   Lunch and dinner daily at all three locations.
  daily since 1.38   Shelling has been daily since.
  daily by 1.32   Since then the city has been struck daily by between one and three shells.
  daily between 1.05   There are four departures daily between Cape Jervis and Penneshaw.
  daily during 1.05   A doe needs eight pounds of food daily during the winter.
  daily over 0.72   Hopeful immigrants have attempted the crossing almost daily over the years.
  daily across 0.59   This scene is out nearly daily across the country.
  daily about 0.53   The school psychologists speak with the teachers daily about the students.
  daily except 0.46   Lunch and dinner daily except Sunday.
  daily until 0.46   Or could they just play each other daily until Halloween?
  daily into 0.39   Hezbollah guerrillas have fired rockets almost daily into Israel.
  daily outside 0.39   Protests have been held almost daily outside the embassy since last week.
  daily along 0.26   Mary has encountered the spirit of her mother daily along the ride.
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