cycle be
8.03 |
The cycle is complete. |
cycle begin
3.29 |
The cycle begins again. |
cycle continue
1.97 |
So the cycle continues. |
cycle repeat
1.51 |
The cycle repeats. |
cycle start
1.25 |
How did this cycle start? |
cycle turn
0.86 |
Now the cycle has turned. |
cycle go
0.79 |
And so the cycle goes on. |
cycle have
0.72 |
But the cycle of violence has to end. |
cycle end
0.66 |
Has this cycle ended? |
cycle last
0.66 |
The cycle lasts about four years. |
cycle take
0.53 |
But the sales cycle is taking a bit longer. |
cycle come
0.46 |
The cycle comes and goes. |
cycle cause
0.39 |
--The estrogen cycle in women causes monthly bursts of cell growth. |
cycle make
0.39 |
The four-year presidential cycles made Russert request an increase to eight years. |
cycle seem
0.39 |
His cycle of cyberdreams seems to coincide with ultradian rhythms. |
cycle keep
0.33 |
The cycle keeps repeating itself nevertheless. |
cycle become
0.26 |
Your cycle becomes irregular. |