cyanide capsule 4.08   Each man was issued a cyanide capsule.
  cyanide gas 1.91   The cyanide gas also is less deadly than sarin.
  cyanide spill 1.32   So far, no poisoning has been reported from the cyanide spill.
  cyanide fishing 0.59   Cyanide fishing is punishable by lengthy jail terms here.
  cyanide pill 0.46   Coroner says the man took a cyanide pill.
  cyanide solution 0.46   A cyanide solution is used to separate gold ore from surrounding rock.
  cyanide level 0.26   And although the cyanide levels were decreasing, the effects were still visible today.
  cyanide vial 0.26   The guerrillas wear cyanide vials around their necks and swallow them if about to be captured.
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