curse darkness 0.66   Thrum the boughs, curse the darkness.
  curse fate 0.59   We have cursed our fates.
  curse name 0.59   For those few minutes, no one was cursing his name.
  curse luck 0.53   I thought of him and cursed my luck.
  curse leader 0.39   Some cursed Japanese leaders, butting into a human barricade formed by riot police along the high embassy walls.
  curse umpire 0.39   Vis then cursed the umpire and was disqualified.
  curse journalist 0.33   Some cursed journalists with Serbian accents.
  curse man 0.33   I cursed every man I ever slept with.
  curse official 0.33   Curse the officials under your breath.
  curse family 0.26   He cursed the family, cursed the officers.
  curse guard 0.26   Two other defendants also cursed the guards.
  curse killer 0.26   We truly do feel their pain and curse the killers.
  curse lot 0.26   But neither cursed their lot.
  curse people 0.26   They cursed the people who loved them.
  curse team 0.26   That team is cursed every season by serious injuries.
  curse troop 0.26   Last week, Kindy and Heie were detained for several hours for cursing Israeli troops.
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