cult be 5.66   Cults are so negative.
  cult deny 3.23   The cult denies involvement.
  cult have 2.04   So the cult has its advantages.
  cult develop 0.92   A cult developed around his Berkeley store.
  cult plan 0.86   Earlier reports said the cult planned guerrilla attacks on major Japanese cities.
  cult use 0.59   The cult also used the hallucinogen LSD in initiation rituals.
  cult say 0.53   What the cult says about suicide.
  cult own 0.39   The cult owns medical facilities including a Tokyo hospital.
  cult produce 0.39   Police would only need to prove the cult was producing nerve gas.
  cult take 0.39   With Kibwetere as chief proselytizer, the cult took hold.
  cult try 0.39   Police have found materials that indicate the cult was trying to manufacture its own guns.
  cult announce 0.33   The cult also announced late last year it was starting up a software development firm.
  cult become 0.33   The cult has become the leading suspect, but has denied involvement.
  cult claim 0.33   The cult claims it has been unfairly persecuted.
  cult continue 0.33   The cult of cotton continues under his authoritarian rule.
  cult make 0.33   He later admits the cult made sarin.
  cult accuse 0.26   The doomsday cult accused in the Tokyo subway nerve gas attack reportedly fed germs to suspicious members, who then disappeared.
  cult build 0.26   Dean had been dead for several months, and even in London the cult was building.
  cult carry 0.26   The cult of more carries on, even as fewer prospective members materialize.
  cult come 0.26   For along with the cult of the object comes the cult of space.
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