crowd control
10.27 |
Crowd control, yes. |
crowd favorite
6.52 |
Lobo, a crowd favorite, is back. |
crowd noise
4.54 |
The crowd noise? |
crowd trouble
4.08 |
There was crowd trouble before the match. |
crowd scene
2.70 |
No crowd scenes. |
crowd support
2.50 |
She liked the crowd support, too. |
crowd violence
2.50 |
The first semifinal was marred by crowd violence. |
crowd estimate
2.24 |
Crowd estimates varied widely. |
crowd reaction
1.71 |
I was amazed by the crowd reaction. |
crowd size
1.25 |
One is crowd size. |
crowd barrier
1.12 |
Crowd barriers ringed the Palais des Congress where the Front was meeting. |
crowd response
1.12 |
Even worse was the crowd response. |
crowd shot
0.99 |
Crowd shots. |
crowd problem
0.92 |
This to avoid stampede and other crowd problems. |
crowd member
0.79 |
When another crowd member shook his head, Ventura grew angrier. |
crowd count
0.72 |
The official crowd count still infuriated him. |
crowd favourite
0.72 |
His undeniable ski talents, combined with a playboy image, ensure he remains a crowd favourite. |
crowd disturbance
0.59 |
Despite crowd disturbances in the first leg in Germany, Rotterdam police are not expecting problems. |
crowd roar
0.59 |
The crowd roars and claps, and many reach for their cameras. |
crowd figure
0.46 |
The crowd figures could not be independently confirmed. |