crimp profit 10.86   Either way, profits get crimped.
  crimp growth 4.08   That is crimping growth everywhere.
  crimp demand 3.55   Higher U.S. rates also crimp demand for Canadian exports.
  crimp earnings 3.09   The U.K. currency is also crimping earnings.
  crimp sale 1.71   The lack of effective advertising has crimped sales.
  crimp edge 1.58   Crimp edge.
  crimp consumer 0.39   The government raised the sales tax last year, a move that crimped consumer spending even more.
  crimp supply 0.39   Base metals surged on expectations of strong growth in demand from U.S. industry at a time when supplies may be crimped.
  crimp export 0.26   However, a slowing economy in the United States is beginning to crimp Indonesian exports.
  crimp margin 0.26   Rising input costs are likely to crimp margins this year, analysts said.
  crimp result 0.26   In April, it said grape costs would crimp results for the year.
  crimp revenue 0.26   A high dollar is crimping revenue from overseas.
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