crimean parliament 3.82   But lawmakers in the Crimean parliament are refusing to comply.
  crimean peninsula 1.65   The fleet once had six air force bases on the Crimean peninsula.
  crimean capital 0.86   In the Crimean capital Simferapol, water supplies are turned on only for a few hours each night.
  crimean region 0.46   The fleet is based in Sevastopol, the main port in the Crimean region of southern Ukraine.
  crimean constitution 0.39   The Crimean constitution had claimed substantial autonomy for the restive region.
  crimean deputy 0.39   Crimean deputies have backed their president.
  crimean government 0.39   Kuchma this month put control of the Crimean government under his Cabinet.
  crimean port 0.39   Kuchma has acknowledged, however, that some issues concerning the Crimean port remain unresolved.
  crimean coast 0.33   The defense official said the Ukrainian military was conducting an air defense exercise off the Crimean coast that involved both warships and aircraft.
  crimean lawmaker 0.33   However, he urged Crimean lawmakers to rescind the resolutions themselves.
  crimean official 0.33   Authorities negotiated with the leaders of the group, who demanded that Crimean officials resign.
  crimean legislature 0.26   Kiev had threatened to dissolve the Crimean legislature if it went ahead with the referendum.
  crimean minister 0.26   The Crimean parliament reacted by voting to confirm Kuznetsov as Crimean interior minister and appointing its own candidate as security minister.
  crimean population 0.26   Ethnic Russians form two-thirds of the Crimean population.
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