correspondent say 12.77   He later walked into two shops, an AFP correspondent said.
  correspondent report 10.20   At least one person was injured, an AFP correspondent reported.
  correspondent see 4.61   An AFP correspondent saw three charred bodies in the wreckage.
  correspondent be 2.76   The correspondent was not so sure.
  correspondent have 0.99   AFP correspondents have had similar results in informal polls.
  correspondent observe 0.92   He was burned beyond recognition, an AFP correspondent observed.
  correspondent visit 0.86   Correspondent once visited the historic site.
  correspondent witness 0.53   The TV networks are squabbling about which correspondents will witness the deed.
  correspondent contribute 0.39   Globe correspondent Regina Montague contributed to this story.
  correspondent file 0.39   Currently, about a dozen correspondents file their stories with CamNet.
  correspondent go 0.39   A baggage attendant did suggest that the bloodied correspondent go wash up.
  correspondent interview 0.39   Hispanic Business correspondent Cary Cardwell interviews Bonilla.
  correspondent seem 0.39   My correspondents seemed to miss their own camping days, not their children.
  correspondent take 0.39   This correspondent took it in February.
  correspondent travel 0.39   An Associated Press correspondent traveled to four states in the Middle East to examine Arab differences.
  correspondent arrive 0.33   When the correspondent finally arrived, he fixed his makeup and complained about his red eyes.
  correspondent do 0.33   The correspondent did what he always does when that happens and hit the floor.
  correspondent hear 0.33   AFP correspondents heard the shelling in Grozny and in suburbs south of the town.
  correspondent note 0.33   Several of the vehicles had flat tyres, an AFP correspondent noted.
  correspondent want 0.33   My e-mail correspondent did not want advice.
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