cooperation agreement 47.99   A cooperation agreement was expected to be signed.
  cooperation accord 13.82   The EU and the US did sign two other cooperation accords.
  cooperation pact 3.69   The two countries sign cooperation pact.
  cooperation deal 3.62   They hope to sign a cooperation deal next Wednesday.
  cooperation treaty 3.62   Several countries have already signed cooperation treaties.
  cooperation project 3.36   A whole range of economic cooperation projects are also in the pipeline.
  cooperation minister 3.03   He just resigned Sunday as regional cooperation minister.
  cooperation program 2.63   The cooperation program could lead to eventual NATO membership.
  cooperation plan 1.32   McCaffrey is carrying a nine-point cooperation plan.
  cooperation talk 1.05   Gustafsson heads a Swedish government delegation that arrived in Kiev Tuesday for cooperation talks.
  cooperation commission 0.92   One of the accords forsees the creation of a mixed economic cooperation commission.
  cooperation programme 0.92   He added that the space cooperation programme was being supervised by President Boris Yeltsin.
  cooperation committee 0.79   The next meeting of the cooperation committee will be held in Tokyo next year.
  cooperation group 0.72   Representatives of eight Muslim nations on Sunday founded an economic cooperation group to fight poverty.
  cooperation meeting 0.72   Ciller and Pangalos met on the sidelines of a Black Sea cooperation meeting.
  cooperation effort 0.66   Kantor also launched a year-long trade cooperation effort.
  cooperation charter 0.59   The trip marks the first anniversary of the cooperation charter between Ukraine and NATO.
  cooperation protocol 0.53   The Romanian and Lebanese public works ministries also initialled a cooperation protocol.
  cooperation guideline 0.46   Japan has started a review of its military cooperation guidelines with the United States in April last year.
  cooperation initiative 0.46   The two will announce a new cooperation initiative on overseas development projects and other areas.
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