constitution be 6.45   There is no constitution in Israel.
  constitution allow 6.06   I will work as long as the constitution allows.
  constitution give 5.40   The Russian constitution gives him enormous power.
  constitution bar 5.27   The constitution bars him from a third.
  constitution require 4.61   Previous constitutions did not require this.
  constitution prohibit 3.09   The constitution prohibits this.
  constitution say 2.76   The constitution says the president is also the head of government.
  constitution guarantee 2.63   The constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
  constitution forbid 2.37   The state constitution forbids it.
  constitution provide 2.24   The constitution does not provide a definition.
  constitution limit 1.91   But the constitution limits Ramos to one term.
  constitution ban 1.45   The constitution bans religious parties.
  constitution make 1.45   The constitution makes it hard to carry out impeachment.
  constitution call 1.38   The constitution calls for a secular state.
  constitution stipulate 1.25   The Uzbek constitution stipulates a five year mandate, renewable once only.
  constitution have 1.18   Our constitution has a democratic basis.
  constitution grant 1.05   The new constitution grants greater autonomy to the three islands.
  constitution include 0.86   Under the agreement, the constitution will not include a lockout clause.
  constitution permit 0.72   The present constitution does not permit coalition governments.
  constitution protect 0.72   Leaders said the constitution protected their right to demonstrate.
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