confront problem 6.71   Confront the problem.
  confront issue 6.19   Tippett confronted social issues squarely.
  confront police 2.96   Protesters ignored the appeal and confronted police.
  confront question 2.70   Both sides must confront tough questions.
  confront man 2.30   He had to confront the man at trial.
  confront past 1.97   He will confront his past in Perth.
  confront reality 1.91   The Angels confronted reality on two fronts Tuesday night.
  confront group 1.84   Should he confront the group and plead his case?
  confront challenge 1.65   At a party, Margo finally confronts the challenge.
  confront government 1.65   Another serious problem confronting the government is property rights.
  confront crisis 1.58   Duran Ballen called upon national solidarity to confront the crisis.
  confront soldier 1.38   Attucks confronting British soldiers.
  confront people 1.32   We confront people about their built-in fears.
  confront accuser 1.25   He confronted his accusers head-on.
  confront troop 1.25   Troops were confronted by an angry mob.
  confront official 1.18   He then confronted touchline official Clive Wilkes, touching him on the head.
  confront protester 1.18   Police have always confronted protesters in the past.
  confront woman 1.18   Recently, Jekel had to confront a women who intimidated her.
  confront fear 1.12   In Atlanta, she had to confront her fears.
  confront suspect 1.12   But Hawkins apparently confronted the suspects alone.
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