confess crime 3.69   He willingly confessed his crime.
  confess sin 2.63   I wanted to confess my sin.
  confess role 1.12   The next day, he allegedly confessed his role in the murder to Cuevas.
  confess guilt 0.86   They were forced to confess their guilt in public show trials.
  confess love 0.66   When Eva confesses her love, Janus promptly beats her up.
  confess affair 0.46   People confess their affairs on television for publicity.
  confess truth 0.46   Under questioning Nunez crumpled and confessed the truth.
  confess error 0.39   Deutch, by contrast, confessed error.
  confess killing 0.39   Both men who confessed the killing frequented the bar, police said.
  confess feeling 0.33   Most rape victims confess a feeling of helplessness.
  confess ignorance 0.33   I confess ignorance.
  confess involvement 0.26   Former security adviser confesses involvement in killings.
  confess murder 0.26   He kept quiet even after Jeremy Strohmeyer confessed the murder to him.
  confess part 0.26   But they revised their hypothesis when Condello decided to change his testimony and confess his part in the assassination.
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